Minutes of meeting
Bloc’s Name: Foreign Policies Bloc
Coordinator’s Name: Makram Zeenny
Date: 03/09/2020
Guest Speaker(s):
Attendees: Najwa Baroodi, Diva Chbeir, Walid Chahine, Jean-Luc Imbert, Makram Zeenny
Summary of Meeting Minutes:
- Selection of Coordinator
- Reviewing of final SOW
- Distribution of Work
- Taking note of Yasmine resignation as Lead Coordinator.
Decisions and To Do Lists with Timeframe:
- In conformity with the SOP and during the 3rd meeting and with the approval of Joseph Roukos, absent to this meeting, Makram Zeenny has been appointed coordinator. The mandate of Makram Zeenny shall expire 1 day before the election that should be effected in February 2021.
- A review of the SOW took place and Jean-Luc shall make a final revision and send us his comments (If any) to correct and up-load on the bloc’s webpage.
- In line with the SOW researches on the following target countries have been allotted:
- Makran Zeenny:
- How Russia of nowadays apply its Foreign Policy through examples (Nagorno Karabagh, North Caucasia)
- Algeria as it is related to the East Mediterranean and Gas/energy and its history and superpowers interventions are needed to be known. Already Submitted by e-mail to all
- The Guardians of the revolution (Iran). Already Submitted by e-mail to all
- The Turkey of Erdogan. Already Submitted by e-mail to all
- China of Xi Jimping: What are its international ambitions? To be submitted in October / November
- USA strategies in the Middle-East. To be submitted in October / November
- Najwa Baroodi: Syria History and present situation that can affect Lebanon. Date TBD by Najwa
- Walid Chahine: Israel History and causes of hegemony on Lebanon. Date TBD by Walid
- Diva Chbeir: UAE History and importance in the region (Economy and policy). Date TBD by Diva
- Jean-Luc Imbert: France History and regional interests. Date TBD by Jean-Luc
- The presents took note of Yasmine’s resignation as lead coordinator and await NB to inform the bloc of the newly appointed LC.
- NEXT NEETING TBD according to future contacts made by coordinator