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With the decrease in the level of imports, the current crisis will put a lot of pressure on the sector of agriculture, which is already under-performing. In addition to not being able to answer the needs of the market, our agriculture is not up to environmental and health standards and is not economically optimal. This project will pilot an AgriTech project to increase the efficiency of agriculture through technology.

الزراعة الذكية



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Bloc Coordinator

Marc Maftoum Marc Maftoum

Bloc Members

Georges Abou AdalGeorges Abou Adal
Anestis LampsosAnestis Lampsos
Shadi EdilbiShadi Edilbi
Hady KahaleHady Kahale
Charly BazCharly Baz
Nicolas AssafNicolas Assaf
Dany Dahdah BazDany Dahdah Baz
Elias KhalilElias Khalil
Marc MaftoumMarc Maftoum
Ramy SalibaRamy Saliba
Anthony BehlokAnthony Behlok
Maurice MattarMaurice Mattar
Iman NocariIman Nocari

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