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MOM 27032020

محضر اجتماع



كتلة دعم المنصّة (أزرق)


سلام يموت

رباب عبيد

طوني أبي زيد

ريمون يونان

مكرم الزعنّي




جميع الاعضاء الحاضرين والغائبين


اكمال النقاط ووضع آليّة بعض النقاط في ورقة "نطاق عمل الكتلة"Platform Scope of Work



"أ.تداولت كتلة دعم المنصّة بالنقاط الموجودة في ورقة "نطاق عمل الكتلة

Platform Scope of Work وتمّ زيادة نقاط اخرى وذلك للوصول الى تغطية شاملة "لاجراءات التشغيل الموحّد

ب‌. تتألّف "اجراءات التشغيل الموحّدة " من قسمين

القسم الاول: قواعد وآليات عمل الحوكمة Part I - Governance Rules & Processes

القسم الثاني: عمل المعلوماتيّةPart II - Toolboxes (automated tools on the platform) 

ت‌. اعادت كتلة دعم المنصّة النظر بالنقاط في الفقرتين 1و2 من القسم الاول

 بحيث زادت في الفقرة 1 النقطة 1.4 والتي تتعلّق بطرد العضو المخلّ بالآداب وسوف يتمّ وضع آليّة عملها خلال الاجتماع المقبل

و أقرّت الفقرة 2 بكاملها

ث‌. بدأت كتلة دعم المنصّة بالنظر في الفقة 3 ووضعت آلية عمل النقطة 1

تشكيل و انهاء وحلّ الكتل

كيفيّة انتقاء او انتخاب او وقف عمل منسّق من قبل الاعضاء (متى وكيف يتمّ انتقائه او انتخابه او ايقاف عمله) ومدة ولايته


 برنامج عمل الاجتماع المقبل: وضع آليات العمل للنقاط 1.4 و 3.2

تمّ تحديد الاجتماعين المقبلين في

  1. يوم الثلثاء الواقع في ٣١/٣/٢٠٢٠ في تمام الساعة الرابعة بعد الظهر
  2. يوم الجمعة الواقع في ٣/٤/٢٠٢٠ في تمام الساعة الرابعة بعد الظهر





The Snowflake Standard Operating Procedures

Scope: The rules, processes and procedures for a good governance of the platform for change 

Part I - Governance Rules & Processes  

  1. General Rules for all blocs and bloc members. 2

1.1.       Rules for joining a bloc. 2

1.2.       Code of conduct. 2

1.3.       Transparency of information. 2

1.4.       Expulsion of a member. 2

  1. Bloc formation & dissolution. 2

2.1.       Rules for bloc formation. 2

2.1.1.           A bloc can only be formed by spurring from an existing bloc. 2

2.1.2.         Seven (7) members are needed at least to form a new bloc. 2

2.2.       Rules for bloc closing. 3

2.3.       Rules for bloc pending. 3

2.3.1.         Less than 7 people are in it. 3

2.3.2.         Not meeting for more than 3 months in a row.. 3

  1. Bloc constitution. 3

3.1.       Election of bloc coordinator. 3

3.1.1.         Terms and Mandate. 3

3.1.2.         Elections. 3

3.1.3.         Demoting a coordinator. 3

3.2.       Job description of bloc coordinators. 3

3.2.1.         Member management. 3

3.2.2.         Accountability measurement. 4

3.2.3.         Collaboration with team and with other coordinators. 4

3.2.4.         Skills. 4

3.3.       Bloc members responsibilities. 4

3.4.       Bloc internal governance rules. 4

3.4.1.         Statement of Work. 4

3.4.2.         Roles assigned to bloc members: 4

3.4.3.         Coordination/endorsement of National Bloc. 4

3.4.4.         Meetings. 4

3.4.5.         What is the rationale for a bloc to choose a target subject?. 5

  1. Cooperation between blocs. 5
  2. Set external rules and regulations. 5
  3. Information sharing and evaluation. 5

 Part II - Toolboxes (Automated tools on the platform) 

Part I - Governance Rules & Processes  

1.      General Rules for all blocs and bloc members

1.1.   Rules for joining a bloc

No conditions of joining.  Anybody can join a bloc.  S/he needs to sign in online from the platform to the desired bloc.  Upon receiving a welcome email, the person can also join the What’s App group of that bloc by clicking on the link provided in the email.

1.2.   Code of conduct

The code of conduct available in this document governs all ethical and behavioral conduct of members.  The basic principle of integrity, inclusiveness, and respect of others are the core values of all members of the blocs.

The code of conduct also includes the 5 work principles of the NB (citizenship, integrity, democracy, rule of law, and sovereignty).  Confessionalism, corruption, feudalism, clientelism, and dependency to foreign interests will not be tolerated.

1.3.   Transparency of information

The SF is an open platform where transparency is the de facto mode of operation.  At a minimum, the SOW of every bloc and its MoMs are made public.  In addition the name of the coordinator and members of every bloc are made available to the public.  Blocs are encouraged to publish additional information about their work.

1.4.   Expulsion of a member

  • Who is the guardian of the spirit? Who is the guardian of the walls?
  • Ombudsman structure to monitor the blocs ?

2.      Bloc formation & dissolution

2.1.   Rules for bloc formation

2.1.1.   A bloc can only be formed by spurring from an existing bloc

2.1.2.  Seven (7) members are needed at least to form a new bloc 

  • Members of an existing bloc can decide to form a new bloc in the next layer of the SF. They must appoint among themselves an interim coordinator for the new bloc from the start
  • Approval process from the IT for the new bloc formation
  • Upon joining the new bloc, members leave the old bloc
  • Coordinator of the new bloc stays in the yellow bloc
  • If a member insists to remain both a member of the new and old bloc, s/he can join the old bloc again

2.2.   Rules for bloc closing

  • Majority of the bloc members votes at 75% for closure
  • If all the team members leave it
  • Intervention from the IT in the case of breach of governance principles

2.3.   Rules for bloc pending

A bloc is deemed pending if one of the following reasons happens.  IT flags the bloc as pending and notifies both coordinators of the pending and the emanating bloc.  

2.3.1. Less than 7 people are in it.

2.3.2. Not meeting for more than 3 months in a row


3.      Bloc constitution

3.1.   Election of bloc coordinator

3.1.1. Terms and Mandate

  • Bloc convenes immediately after bloc formation of 7 members with an interim coordinator
  • Bloc elects its own coordinator after the third meeting
  • Every February, all blocs elect a new coordinator for a mandate of one year
  • The first bloc coordinator mandate might be less than one year
  • There are no limit on the number of terms

3.1.2. Elections

  • Bloc members must agree on a method of voting (physical, e-voting, etc.)
  • The meeting when elections take place must be announced and the date and time must be communicated at least a month in advance.
  • 50% of the bloc members must vote for the elections results to be valid
  • If there is no quorum, a second elections meeting will happen one week after the first meeting. Coordinator may be elected without quorum on the second meeting.
  • There is a possibility that all bloc elections happen on the same day.
  • Once elected, coordinator automatically joins the bloc on the upper level

3.1.3.Demoting a coordinator

  • Exceptionally, premature elections to replace a coordinator can take place by request of 2/3 of the block
  • Premature elections follow the same rules as regular elections


3.2.   Job description of bloc coordinators 

3.2.1. Member management

  • Coordinators should record member activity
  • Coordinators should follow up with members individually

3.2.2. Accountability measurement 

3.2.3. Collaboration with team and with other coordinators  

  • Monthly meetings  
  • Weekly/biweekly  

3.2.4. Skills  

  • Project skills
  • Technical
  • Facilitation/human skills



3.3.   Bloc members responsibilities  

  • Three conditions: Seriousness – efficiency – effectiveness
  • Can we be members of several blocs? Any limitation?
    • Best practices: we recommend to limit membership to two blocs as the workload and the time commitment might be heavy

3.4.   Bloc internal governance rules

3.4.1. Statement of Work

Every bloc must have its statement of work describing its mission and the scope of work it intends to do.  The SOW must be published on the bloc’s microsite

How can the bloc change its statement of work? How often do we change the bylaws?

In addition, Should every bloc have a strategy?  

3.4.2.Roles assigned to bloc members:  

  • Coordinator 
  • Secretary (minutes, correspondence)  
  • Treasurer (if applicable)  
  • Public relations (if applicable)  

3.4.3. Coordination/endorsement of National Bloc

  • Who has the IP for the work done by the blocs? 
    • there is a request for endorsement from both sides if there is a will to endorse from the NB or vice-versa
  • Bloc can ask the NB to endorse
    • Request for endorsement
  • NB can ask the bloc if it can endorse
    • Request for endorsement


3.4.4. Meetings

      • Meetings can be held anywhere as long as blocs publish MoMs and are active
        • Recommendation to meet in public spaces
        • Members can meet online to accommodate everyone’s availabilities
      • MoMs should be detailed (date and duration, attendees, decisions taken, assigned tasks)  
  • Who can call for a meeting 


3.4.5. What is the rationale for a bloc to choose a target subject?  

  • Background research/information: 101 objectives, studies, historical background, expertise of group?  
  • What is the criteria for selecting subjects and/or actions?
    • Urgency/impact and feasibility


4.      Cooperation between blocs

  • When there is overlapping of work of blocs, need to communicate between blocs
  • Information flow
    • Quarterly general snowflake members meeting
    • Monthly general coordinators meeting of all coordinators
    • Constant communication and coordination within coordinators of same theme


5.      Set external rules and regulations  

  • How and when to communicate with other blocs 
  • How to communicate outside the bloc 
    • Should every bloc have a comms strategy?  Who will implement?  
  • Who can speak on behalf of the bloc 
  • Photos, videos 
  • Archival  
  • Newsletter/communication  
  • Bloc in bloc communication
  • Bloc to bloc communication
  • Bloc to the NB communication – what to communicate to blocs and what not?  
  • Bloc to the world communication



6.      Information sharing and evaluation

  • What do we need to measure and report on? 
  • How to measure progress of the work done by blocs? 
  • How to follow up on projects? 
  • How to insure good information flow bottom-up? 
  • When do all bloc coordinators meet?  All bloc coordinators in one theme? 





  1. Toolboxes (Automated tools on the platform)
  • Formation of a new Bloc 
  • How to create a new bloc? 
  • How to add members to it? 


  • Information about the bloc 
  • Bloc’s Participants be able to consult full list of bloc’s members 
  • Bloc’s MOM 
  • Download other docs of the bloc 


  • Bloc’s activities and meetings 
  • Use scheduler to organize activity (meetings and events are considered activities) place, time, and presence (bloc coordinator only) 
  • RSVP Page 
  • Consult full list of bloc’s activities 
  • Consult full list of all bloc’s activities 
  • Archiving (photos, videos)  


  • Logistics and operations  
  • Management of What’s App Groups and Mailing lists 


  • Resources Page 
  • Download Documents 
  • Subscribe in a training session (community engagement, elections academy, project management) 


  • Communications Page 
  • Contact another bloc 



 Available resources to blocs 

  • MOM’s  - they will be done on a table and will be very synthetic. Published as is on the microsite. The following three points need to be features:
      • Points discussed
      • Decisions taken
      • Next steps
  • Bloc participants 
      • Presence of participants in meetings automated
      • Tasks follow up / monitoring
  • Meetings and activities scheduler 
      • Automation of meeting frequency
      • Klaxoon (how to conduct a meeting)


  • Organizational templates (this is key):  
  • Strategic planning  
  • Project management  
  • Communication  
  • Coordination with other blocs  
  • What are other resources provided by Ketleh to blocs 
  • Think tank  
  • Political  
  • Communication (social media)  
  • IT platform 
  • Political training