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Minutes of Meeting 200206


- Lyna Comati (NB groups coordinator)

- Jad Esseily _

- Abdul-Halim Jabr (NB ComEx, Beirut Bloc coordinator)

- Yasmine Majzoub

- Tracy Nehmeh

- Iman Nocari

- Mohammad Serhan (NB Field Coordinator, project manager, Public Spaces bloc coordinator)


Q: Why do we prioritize work on public spaces within a political party?

A: Because public spaces, environmental concerns and issues of access to shared resources dominate protest movements and have helped peaceful revolutions succeed.


1- Regular weekly meeting time agreed for Thursdays @17:00. This would be changed later to twice a month. Meeting minutes in English (until we agree otherwise).


2- Target activities must balance IMPACT and FEASIBILITY.

Preparatory focus group proposed earlier a shortlist of 3 exemplary possibilities:

- Tripoli RKIF expo grounds (مزدهر)

- Bisri Valley, no to proposed dam (اخضر)

- Beirut Martyrs Sq (عادل)


3- Criteria for exploring potential action and deciding:

- Overall understanding of problem: lack of; excluded groups (children, elderly, migrant..); environment and wellbeing;  etc...

- Context: urban (focused) vs rural (thorough); national (inclusive) vs local (where possible); ...

- Object/formats-  idea/campaign/awareness (who, what, why), real/pilot project, or policy/legislation.


4- Brainstorming for potential action (please update with essential names and details):

- Bkosta

- Joinieh

- Kfar Jarra

- Rabieh

This prioritizes active municipalities and seeks/showcases success stories as replicable models.


5- Action matrix and examples:


                     Cooperate  Advocate  Shame





- workshops with municipalities

- partnership with universities

- inclusion of young designers and visionaries (check BDW participants and other venues)


6- Slogans

"Fighting for a green nation."


7- Tasks:

- Components of awareness campaign > Jad

- List of public spaces > Abdul-Halim

- List of successful municipalities > Iman & Yasmine

- Project management tools > Lyna

- Successful public spaces > Tracy

- List of potential partners > Mohammad