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Politics & Governance bloc

كتلة السياسة والحوكمة


Establishing an effective state that represents its voters and guarantees their best interest, through respecting constitutional provisions, implementing the principle of separation of powers and the accountability and liability system. Constitution State institutions Elections Independence of the judiciary

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Standard Operating Procedures - SOP

The rules, processes, and procedures for a good governance of the platform for change.

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Bloc Coordinator

Salam Yamout Salam Yamout

Bloc Members

Hiba JabbourHiba Jabbour
Maria LlorenteMaria Llorente
Rania MradRania Mrad
Ghoufran JneidGhoufran Jneid
Fatima RezaieFatima Rezaie
Charbel HajjiCharbel Hajji
Mosleh Al boueryMosleh Al bouery
Alexandra AbsiAlexandra Absi
walid Abou Samahwalid Abou Samah
Assaad SakrAssaad Sakr
Rabih El HajjiRabih El Hajji
Patrick AzrakPatrick Azrak
Maria MikhaelMaria Mikhael
Rabab ObeidRabab Obeid
Elyan FaresElyan Fares
Joseph RoukosJoseph Roukos
Izzat Al AyoubiIzzat Al Ayoubi
Khalil WakimKhalil Wakim
Ali RammalAli Rammal
Rafic BaddouraRafic Baddoura
Daoud MattaDaoud Matta
Fadi Abou JamraFadi Abou Jamra
Mabelle TyanMabelle Tyan
Rami ChamounRami Chamoun
Mario KhalilMario Khalil
Diva ChbeirDiva Chbeir
Mia Malda AtouiMia Malda Atoui

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