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3rd Republic

The Third Republic bloc aims to create citizen awareness in order to be able to achieve and arrive to a progressive political and social condition, which would provide each Lebanese fair equal rights and opportunities, in order for them to live a decent dignified life as citizens not bounded by a sectarian identity.

الجمهورية الثالثة

تهدف كتلة "الجمهوريّة الثالثة"، من جهتها، إلى خلق وعي لدى المواطن كي يتمكّن من الوصول إلى وضع سياسي واجتماعي متقدّم، من شأنه أن يوفّر لكل لبناني حقوقًا وفرصًا متساوية، ليعيش حياة لائقة وكريمة كمواطن غير مقيّد بهويته الطائفية.    


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Standard Operating Procedures - SOP

The rules, processes, and procedures for a good governance of the platform for change.

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Bloc Coordinator

Amine Issa Amine Issa

Bloc Members

Paul ChammasPaul Chammas
Joe Abou MalhabJoe Abou Malhab
Assaad SakrAssaad Sakr
Olga FeghaliOlga Feghali
Ziad HaddaraZiad Haddara
Mohsen Al-AmineMohsen Al-Amine
Yasmina SerhalYasmina Serhal
Maria KaramMaria Karam
Rula El HalabiRula El Halabi
Najwa BaroudiNajwa Baroudi
Maria MikhaelMaria Mikhael
Joanna Abi KaramJoanna Abi Karam
Izzat Al AyoubiIzzat Al Ayoubi
Diva ChbeirDiva Chbeir
Walid ChahineWalid Chahine
Tracy NehmeTracy Nehme
Georges AklGeorges Akl
Amine IssaAmine Issa

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